Q - When is registration for baseball, softball & teeball?
A - Registration officially opens December 1 with the same fees as last season. Beginning January 1, 2022 all divisions are increasing $10. There will also be a late fee added to any registrations after February 20, 2022. Registration closes March 4, 2022.
Q - When will I hear from my child's coach?
A - Once try-outs are completed, player's are assigned teams. Rookies and Teeball are assigned teams after registration closes. Coaches will be calling players in the week following the close of registration.
Q - When will games begin?
A - Majors and minors usually begin the first full week of April. Rookies & Teeball usually begin 2 weeks later.
Q - When is Field Clean-up?
A - Each year this occurs in March. Please check the Events Calendar for specific dates.
Q - What day is Opening Ceremonies for Medford American Little League?
A - There will be no opening ceremony due to the current COVID-19 crisis
Q - What are ALL-STAR's?
A - All-Stars are the tournament teams that compete with teams from all leagues within our district. The first district tournaments usually begin the last weekend in June. Players are selected by try-outs held at the conclusion of the regular season. Dates will be posted on the Events Calendar.
Q - Where are the All-Star Tournaments held?
A - For 2022 Medford American is hosting the baseball and softball tournaments. Please check back later for softball information.